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Stubborn by nature Hua Xu looked back to his father wiped his tears did not say anything, turned and left. Hua Xu left supra father turned and looked at the door, just supras shoes just want to be used to scare Huaxu but did not expect his daughter could be so stubborn, and leave rather do not want to remove the belly of the child. Sighed, Hua Xu's father shook his head helplessly, and instantly so much older. Hua Xu left the after the wind Dagon tribe, a person living alone in far away from the village of Lo edge.

Fortunately,cheap supra shoes, those tribes which previously Hua Xu helped the elderly gratitude for the help of the Hua Xu, often come to Hua Xu point to send food, take care of the daily life of Hua Xu. Although the days were tough, but barely able to go. That night, Hua Xu cried a sad, asleep early. Asleep, Hua Xu had a dream. Dream, a white-haired old man told Hua Xu, Hua Xu belly child but the gift of God, so do not have to worry about Hua Xu.

Hua Xu shocked by the old man's words, to be supras shoes want to ask some old man, old man disappeared. Family of ordinary people from conception to production only take ten months, Hua Xu already pregnant almost a full three years, but there is no trace of the desired meaning born belly of the child, which makes Hua Xu is figure out. However, the thought of the words of the old man in his dream, of Hua Xu feel comfortable. Since this child is God-given, then supras shoes is certainly extraordinary born, in the womb of time is a little longer than others also justified.

